BIKEPARKNOW – the movement for an urban moto bike park in Baltimore

For 5 years I have been tracking the Dirt Bike issue in Baltimore City. The issue is a kin to many of the other issues facing economically under served in the city, but specifically the African American community who have been systematically oppressed for decades,  undoing the impact will disrupt the status quo in an attempt to find social balance. This is called achieving equilibrium.  Over time we will get into the nuanced issues around the bikes but right now let state something simple.

Urban Dirt bike riding is not going away, more over there is a whole generation of kids  practicing everyday on pedal bikes, dreaming to join the ranks of their heroes. In the current political environment these heroes are outlaws because their passion has not gained bureaucratic acceptance. This dirt bike park and the movement towards a solution is about this next generation of riders and their attitudes towards the system.

There is time for a solution for the summer, if we can find tolerance and compassion around the things we don’t understand.